My new friend, David Thiemecke, said something beautiful to me yesterday. He claims he likely heard something of its sort at some time but confirmed that the words I heard him say were his. I immediately scratched it down and then this afternoon transferred it ceremoniously to its permanent home in my leadership commonplace book.
“I don’t have the energy to worry about the consequences of being me.”
I told you it was beautiful. (Thank you, David.)
Hubbard says it this way…
“How few discover themselves! How few dare rely on themselves! How few dare believe in themselves!”
Preach it, Elbert.
John O’Donahue puts it to you like this…
“When you meet someone who is not afraid of themselves it is a lovely experience.”
Are you uncomfortable yet?
These are potent pills that if swallowed might just awaken the sleeping giant at the center of your cosmos. Fee, fi, fo, fum…this giant ain’t no tummy-driven dummy. This giant was placed in you to raise the ceiling on what’s possible.
Not just for you, but for others, through you.
Direct your energy away from worry and toward discovery.
Dare to rely on yourself, believe.
Grow unafraid of yourself.
Be somebody’s lovely experience.
If a few more of us do we might learn how a few might just do.