Going too far

You are driving down a road you don’t often travel. You’re visiting friends. You’ve only been to their house once before. You know their street has to be coming up but you’re not sure if it’s the next turn or the one after that. Or, the one after that one. Here comes one. Tap the […]

Your conformity explains nothing

I am a person who will trust you. It’s one of my go-to’s. I want you to be a good soul. So I’ll trust you out of the gates. With two exceptions. First, if you’re broadcasting serious sketch-ball vibes I’m going to catch the transmission. I’m not a sucker. My trust extends to those without […]

Demand it

There are warehouses full of dreams un-lived. Piled high to the ceiling in vanishing rows, you can feel the emptiness as each vision fades. First it loses its color. Then its sharpness. Eventually a gap on the shelf is all that’s left. Until it’s replenished with another dream that was over before it began. One […]

Because it’s in you

Because it’s in you. Yes, it’s in you. It was planted one day. Watered another. Yet another it began to grow. A stranger wants you to find out who. A friend wants you to find out when. You want to find out how. We all want to know why. I already told you, though. Because […]

The end of my world

It’s moments before Midnight on December 31st, 1999. Mankind is blue in the face, hoping it has prepared for Y2K. The world might end, you know. I’m at a party in the Elmwood Village of the city of Buffalo, New York. We don’t know what to expect though nobody seems all that worried. Midnight arrives. […]

Tell them

The most transformative thing you could tell someone is that they are loved. For when you hear that you are loved, the sun inside your chest rises on your heart. Your soul’s horizon glistens like the Niagara River when it’s pretending to be glass. Everything it reflects is beautiful. Even the homely parts. Judgement retreats […]

Kill your will to survive

You wouldn’t typically sever your own arm in the wilderness. Only when your survival is at stake will you do the deed. The will to survive is strong, amen? So, I hafta ask, “Is there anything you wouldn’t do to survive?” Would you lie? Would you steal? Would you leave your possessions behind? Would you […]

Hard times and soft hearts

Here are some things that might break your heart: Violence Silence Fear Predatory behavior Self-loathing Oppression Hunger Deprivation Intolerance Disease Judgment Dishonor Neglect Rejection Selfishness Injustice Addiction Greed Waste Should I keep going? I don’t think you need me to. I don’t want to, either. If we chose to see it this way, this is […]

Like a heckler at an auction

In my Mother-in-law’s house, auctions are part of holiday festivities. They take place during Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter but have known to pop up randomly like dandelions in your yard. Friends and family bring dusty department store shopping bags and leftover copy paper boxes filled with “treasures” they no longer treasure. For a price (be […]