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It’s not the hammer’s fault that you whacked your hand instead of the head of the nail.

It’s not traffic’s fault that you left late for your appointment.

It’s not the other person’s fault that you meant something different than your words implied.

It’s not the drive-thru operators fault that your favorite beverage was discontinued.

It’s not the airline’s fault that it’s too snowy to take off.

Unfortunately, these realizations aren’t normally realized. So we point the finger.

Not that we’re interested here in whose fault it is. We aren’t.

We are interested in looking at the situations of our lives as they are. From angles in addition to the familiar view from behind our own eyes. Even if they fail to support our personal stories.

We are interested in an honest reflection in the mirror. This is what we need. To see what others see when they see us. To see the good we fail to welcome. To expose the weakness we won’t whisper without woe.

It’s not the hammer’s fault. Sometimes you just miss. Though most of the time you don’t. It’s good practice to be reminded of both.


A little more about Erik Eustice...