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old-916144_1280That thing you really think you need?

You don’t.

You just don’t.

That possession.

That person.

That position.

That pleasure.

That poison.

That point of pride.

That prayer.

You don’t. It won’t do what you think it will. It’s not capable. It doesn’t wield the right magic. I know it seems like bringing the object under your power would make you more. That’s the thing about power though. True power doesn’t justify itself. It doesn’t need to. It’s true power. The effects are clearly felt and accommodated with appreciation. Sometimes you, and I, attempt to increase ourselves by addition. We think adding a symbol of who we wish to be and be seen as will increase our power. But what if it actually does the opposite?

What if you reconsidered what it is that you actually want?

What if you didn’t quit there?

What if you asked a follow up question, “Why?”

As in, “Why do I want these things?”

I’ll warn you it isn’t always a gentle experience.

You’ve made plans. You’ve made sacrifices.

Which is why evaluating things you’ve already decided on takes courage.

You just don’t know what you’ll uncover.

Which is why you have to do it.

You may be living with buried treasure.

Which could be worth something.



A little more about Erik Eustice...