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hand-472244_1920What will you do with it?

Once you have it?

That thing, that person, that idea.

Then you’ll be smart enough. And everyone will see it.

Then you’ll be admired. And everyone will acknowledge it.

Then you’ll have the money. And the power. And the courage.

And the affirmation that you’re just as good as you’ve ever been.

Maybe even better.

Until then, keep being dissatisfied.

Make sure you let it get to you. Even when you’re not sure why you’re upset.

Be angry. Everyone else is.

Be right. Everyone else thinks they are.

Keep up the self-imposed pressure. Even when they try to tell you they love you the way you are.

They’re being polite.

You know what’s best, after all. And it isn’t who you are right now.

So keep pushing yourself to achieve things that can’t make you happy in the end.

And keep overlooking the joys that assail you daily.

Just make sure you keep us filled in on Facebook.

And throw in the occasional rant cloaked in righteous indignation.

We love that. (And, frankly, we could use as much division as we can muster.)

It’s gotten us this far.

And we’re almost there…



A little more about Erik Eustice...