Pardon your weakness

  You possess weaknesses. All different flavors, too. They show up whenever they like. Sometimes you can scurry ’em around the side of the house and into the shed until company leaves. Sometimes they walk right in without knocking. Don’t they like to mingle, too? They shake everyone’s hand with that clammy palm and lukewarm smile. […]

A Eulogy for Pride

This is a eulogy for our dear friend, Pride. That’s what you’re supposed to say. That the deceased was dear. And beloved. And will be missed. Poppycock. His absence will be noticed. His presence won’t be mourned. Nobody was more right, more often, than Pride. Everybody knew it. He made sure. Pride knew that he […]

Tiny wisdom

My entire family sees a chiropractor. Not the twisting and cracking kind. It’s actually quite gentle. It has made a difference in our quality of life. At first it was just me going. Then Meredith. Then eventually the kids who now enjoy the visits. They even like getting adjusted. The sticker or temporary tattoo at […]

Things you’ve already seen

I have the worst personality. My wife has the best. She was reading me the results of a personality test she had taken at my request. It was for entertainment and to quench curiosity. These tests are intriguing to me. Some argue their various origins but they do line up in certain ways. Certain, not […]

The chaos is the conduit

So you want something to happen? Are you prepared for what it might require? It would be nice if life were linear where one event lead to another and we could predict with certainty our futures. But life doesn’t work that way. I just spent several days with some beautiful folks who are about the […]

I know how I feel

I replaced the shower head while Meredith was in Africa. It came with the house and was ready to retire. The little streams were crooked when they sprayed. Sometimes a rogue stream would assail your eyeball. So the kids and I head to the local big box home improvement store and pick up a real […]

Why I wave

Everyone in my neighborhood waves. When passing in a car or by foot. Sometimes you’re out in the yard. Sometimes you’re driving out while they’re driving in. It’s something we noticed immediately when we moved in. What a friendly group of neighbors. We’ve since realized not everyone in our neighborhood waves. Some drive past without acknowledgement. […]

It’s not the hammer’s fault

It’s not the hammer’s fault that you whacked your hand instead of the head of the nail. It’s not traffic’s fault that you left late for your appointment. It’s not the other person’s fault that you meant something different than your words implied. It’s not the drive-thru operators fault that your favorite beverage was discontinued. […]

Like water

Water often gets its way because water adapts to what gets in its way. Water exploits an opening by exploring the possibilities of the space. Water is patient. It will wear its encumbrance down if it must. Water changes states cooperatively. It knows when its time for a different expression. It doesn’t fight a change […]