What am I doing?

Maybe the better question is “why?” Why do I do any of the things that I do? Am I just sashaying through life in a pair of ruby red slippers? (Guys can wear them too…) Does the wind take me or do I actually create my destination? And what about the process of getting wherever […]

The sun shines

You can’t always see it. But it’s always shining. Even at night. To call it moonlight is misleading. The moon merely shares the sun’s spirit for a time. Return it the moon will and must. You can deny the sun with weather. You can slink indoors and draw the shades. You can sleep off the day. You can […]

What matters

Just because it’s important to somebody else doesn’t make it so for you. And that’s okay. You don’t have to feel the same pull they do. You have your thing. (Even if you don’t know what your thing is.) Sometimes it’s going to be somebody else’s thing, too. When it is, get together. Push it forward. Make the […]

I am thankful

I am thankful for a wife who was too in love to know better. The miracle is she now knows but still stays. I am thankful for children who drift to dream on my wings. Someday they will grow up. I am thankful for the woods when nobody else is in it. Though there are […]

See our way

Have you ever felt poetic? Or felt like feeling fine? Yeah, I sure have. There’s nothing quite like it. Feeling fine, I mean. You need not shimmy under a rock. There’s no shadow that’ll gitcha. Excepting the shadow your doubt casts When the sun of your love sets. So let’s get back to rising. You […]

Defeating self-defeat

He was convinced he didn’t want to write about a superhero. I listened as I drove. He confessed from the back seat through cloudy eyes. Our puppy laid beside William, as puppies are known to do at 55 mph on a country road. “If you want to win this contest, you’re going to have to make it […]

Your first thought

What is your first thought when someone: Praises you Criticizes you Says something you agree with Says something you disagree with Makes fun of your mother Asks for a favor Offers to do you a favor Cuts you off in traffic Spells your name wrong Gives you a generous gift Complains to you about someone […]

What if…?

What if you weren’t you? And, then, you approached yourself (the actual “right now” you) and begin telling your life story? This person speaking to you, this “you” that you treat like any other person, begins at the beginning. You hear about growing up in your house. You hang on the memories of those days […]

Once you have it

What will you do with it? Once you have it? That thing, that person, that idea. Then you’ll be smart enough. And everyone will see it. Then you’ll be admired. And everyone will acknowledge it. Then you’ll have the money. And the power. And the courage. And the affirmation that you’re just as good as […]