Morals and Musings
The morals and musings floating around my mind as of late are: Things take what they take. You only have so much time. Your children are a gift you eventually give away. Children are designed to grow up. No matter how much you have, you’ll never have enough. Don’t let your possessions possess you. Giving […]
White pants in public
A lot can happen over Memorial Day weekend. You can wake up without fear of tyranny. (Which is a conversation all of its own…) You can then go to the garden shop and get your begonias and baskets to hang. You can get an iced late with vanilla. You can make sure they use whole […]
Maybe you’re supposed to matter?
Have you ever thought about why it’s so important to you that your life matters? If you consider how much time you spend thinking about this you’d quickly conclude that I’m right on this one. You want your life to matter. You can admit it. No shame in that. I want my life to matter […]
You are making me sad
“You are making me sad.” My daughter says this sometimes. She’s 6. When she says it she’s trying to convey that my discipline or whatever caused her “sadness” is somehow my fault and is an offense to her little-girl perfection. It’s cute and disturbing all at once. She’ll get over it. I’m going to love […]
You might be nothing
There is a chance that you are nothing special, just one in several billion currently occupying our planet. Many have come before. Others will follow. You will put in your days and then it will be someone else’s turn. You will make a good showing though some days will try to convince you they were […]
The Atlas in us all
Our universe isn’t expansive. That would be a terrible way to describe it. Expansive is far too imaginable to describe how massive the known and observable chunk of our universe is. Look up at the clear night sky. Behold the diamonds twinkling from their heavenly helms. It’s awe-some. You still only see a sliver of what’s out there, […]
How magical are your grits?
“How could it take you 5 minutes to cook your grits when it takes the entire grit-eating world 20 minutes?” The microphone has just relocated from Joe Pesci’s hand to the courtroom floor. It’s an iconic scene from an iconic movie to those of us who find Joe Pesci entertaining. There sits the Karate Kid […]
Dead in some ditch
I could be dead in some ditch. But somehow I’m not. I could have pain that crushes my will. But for some reason I don’t. I could have contracted some disease or watched someone close slip away to one. But those things just haven’t happened yet. And they might never, though I think that’s unlikely. […]
Tomorrow will be no different
There are a few of you out there that may not have seen me at my best. Not something particularly recent. Though, there are probably plenty of particulars we could pluck from the pieces of time’s pie just prior to the present. I mean to address those moments long and not-so-long past where I didn’t […]