Going for it.

When you’re up against the precipice, would you  rather jump or be pushed? If those are your only two options, what do you chose? “But, why am I at the precipice?” It doesn’t matter why. You just are. “But, why doesn’t it matter?” Because I said so. House rules. “But, couldn’t I also stand my […]

Stoking the fire of fear

So many of my fellow citizens are concerned about immigrants and terrorists and bogus trade deals and GMOs and corrupt government officials and greedy corporations and plastic pollution and climate change and Russian aggression and guns and Common Core and gentrification and government shutdown and stock market crashes and germ warfare and toxic skin lotion […]

Damaged goods

Things can show up in a condition other than the one you expected. Shiny. Neat. On point. Able to perform as designed, or shall we say, intended. That’s what you ordered. Scuffed. Bent. Rattled. Able to do a version of what’s possible. Sometimes, only in spirit, because the functionality has been handled right out. It […]

You or nothing

If I had to choose between a world with you in it or no world at all, I know what I would choose. If it was you or the trees, I’d chop every last one down myself. If it was you or the seas, I’d drain them all drop by drop, then I’d turn on […]

The tyranny of you

Are you holding yourself back? Go ahead. Answer the question. We can’t read your mind so your secret is safe. You’re committed to creating the future you see in your heart. You’re doing everything you know to do in its furtherance. You silence the voices that pipe up on their soapbox. You dismiss the well-intentioned […]

I’m not listening

“Being a good listener” is an admired trait in our cultural lexicon. I’ve been told that I’m a good listener. Not recently. But over the years. I don’t always think that I am but I think I know what you mean when you say it. To that I’d usually agree. I’m often concerned with your […]

Give it

Or perhaps you could give instead? Give others a chance. Give yourself a break. Give a darn. Give up on giving up. Give us a sign. Give in to that feeling that’s giving you the business. Give us a reason to believe. In you. In ourselves. In the goodness of mankind that so rarely takes […]

Get it

Get ambition. Get an education. Get a job. Get a car. Get a spouse. Get a house. Get a kid. Collect all 7. Get another kid. Get another job. Get another house. Get another car. Get a retirement plan. Get a tightening in your chest that never seems to subside. Get a suspicion that never […]

I notice

I want you to know I notice. I notice when you don’t think anybody notices. I notice all those quirks and quimbles that make me smile when you come to mind. There’s more to it than that, though. I notice when you do your tour and then do some more. Sometimes I want you to […]