Reality TV and minding your own business

I’m not a fan of Reality TV. But I get why so many people are. We want to be connected to each other. Reality TV gives us that. “Real” people, “like us”, living their life. Or, in the case of reality gameshows and competitions, a myopic sliver of life. I want to be connected to […]

Putting notifications on notice

A few Fridays ago I had a rare occurrence. I witnessed something I hadn’t in quite some time and at first I wasn’t sure how to feel. So I snapped a picture so that I’d have proof that it happened. The proof isn’t for you, really. It’s for me. It’s to remind me, in my […]

Why I hate garage sales

I should clarify. I don’t hate going to garage sales. I only mildly dislike going. I hate putting them on. Let me explain why. But, first, let’s talk about going to garage sales. To go to a garage sale you must walk soberly onto another’s property with the intention of looking at their garbage. This […]

Don’t throw my son in the pool, sir.

“Let’s take the kids to the Toronto Zoo.” “Great idea. We can stay over a night at a hotel that has a pool. The kids will love it.” “They’re doing a costume-parade-type-thing for Halloween at the zoo. We can dress the kids up like animals and walk around and see the animals.” “Yeah!” “Yeah!” So […]

Why I’m not a tie guy

Four ounces. That’s supposedly how much the average tie weighs in at while the average cost per is $25. That’s $6.25 an ounce. For anyone interested, you can get a jar of caviar at $5 an ounce. It’s salmon and considered “lower grade” by the people who not only choose to eat fish eggs but categorize their […]

What’s your Bentley?

(This week we’re going to share something our dear friend Baxter Swenson wrote and passed our way. You may recall, Baxter chimes in from time to time. Hope you like it.) C’mon-let-me-out, c’mon-let-me-out! We’ve all been there.  Slowly creeping forward.  Inch by inch until we see someone gesture they will stop short and make room […]

What you resist persists

I’m not sure who said that first but I know a guy who says it. I think he might know the guy who first said it. Or maybe he knows a guy who knew the guy. (Tangent: This “knowing someone who knows someone” thing reminds me of something I remember my grandfather saying growing up, […]

Who’s the boss?

It’s my wife’s birthday. We’re sitting at the dining room table with the kids having breakfast. Scrambled eggs for myself, Meredith and William and cinnamon “bum bums” for Adeline. She likes to give things names. This is her newest name for cinnamon toast when it’s made on a roll. A few moments ago Meredith and […]

Know your trees

Imports are a beautiful thing. Except when they’re an invasive species like the Emerald Ash Borer. I found one stone-cold chilling on my sidewalk last week. It was gorgeous to behold. The luminescent green of its exoskeleton is almost unbelievable. I guess they’re hard to lay eyes on as they are elusive. Their wake however […]