When did it become true?

Let’s suppose I hand you a picture of my grandfather holding my daughter. Then I tell you it’s the only one I have and there’s no chance of me printing another. Now I ask you to rip it up!  You’d have a hard time doing it. I know this because I’ve tried. If you’re like […]

The little picture

Everyone talks about the big picture. What about the little one? You never hear someone talk fondly of the little picture. All the “You have to see the big picture.” talk makes it seem like this little picture, whatever it is, isn’t something you want to spend any real time with. Maybe it has bad […]

Don’t you want to see it?

Have you ever been in a mess that you thought you’d never find your way out of? Perhaps we can find some wisdom on how to endure the doubt by turning to an often forgotten pastime, the puzzle. I received my first puzzle as an adult from my wife this Valentine’s Day. Nothing says “I […]

What color is the dress?

The fact you’re reading this means you have internet access. Which also means you’ve probably seen this dress. What color is it? White and gold or blue and black? My wife first showed me this and it turns out it is white and gold (if you ask her). I on the other hand, see it […]

Mid-life crisis averted

I have experienced what I believe to be consistent with a conservative definition of a “mid-life crisis.” If my math is correct I am not going to make the average lifespan of an American male. I find some consolation in the fact that the mid-life crisis can occur at any time, actually. Perhaps I’m an […]

Why my beard had to go.

I’ve had a buxom beard for a little over 5 years. Correction, up until last Sunday evening, I had a buxom beard. In many ways that beard was my stunt double. After several weeks on my mental teeter-totter on the topic, I decided it was time for the beard to go. This is the story […]

The ugly side of your worldview

You and I have a way of viewing our world. Sometimes it’s not identical. Here are some possible responses when someone doesn’t agree with the way you think any particular thing should be viewed: Discredit Question Debate Belittle Inquire Demean Defer Discuss Inform Demonize Consider Subjugate Listen Harass Embrace Murder Love We live in what […]

Maybe you have Banana Bone?

We’re driving home from the gym. It’s approaching bed time. In our home, bed time is sanctioned by the United Nations. You don’t mess with it. I tried once and I nearly got my son black listed the first week of kindergarten. Both our children need their sleep. William especially. General grumpiness is the gold […]

I’m pathetic / Empathetic

I am not who I think I am. Neither are you. Now that’s out of the way, let’s get down to it. There are a slew of qualities I admire about myself. I prefer to see myself as kind, honest, friendly and athletic. I wish the last one was a joke but it’s not. I […]