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Four ounces. That’s supposedly how much the average tie weighs in at while the average cost per is $25. That’s $6.25 an ounce.

For anyone interested, you can get a jar of caviar at $5 an ounce. It’s salmon and considered “lower grade” by the people who not only choose to eat fish eggs but categorize their quality.

Decisions, decisions.

Eat stinky fish eggs or wear a device that serves no purpose other than prepping my neck for the unlikely baby anaconda attack.

Of course everything is relative. Someone finds those stinky fish eggs exquisite while someone else will pay 10 fold for a nice neck tie (an oxymoron in my book).

It’s a good thing everyone isn’t identical to me because we might have a salmon population problem on our hands.

I’m willing to bet somewhere, someone is eating very expensive caviar, while donning a premium neck tie, and they don’t like either of them too.

That’s cool with me though. We all seem to behave in our peculiar ways. It kind of clicked for me recently why I have such a disdain for wearing ties (outside of weddings and funerals… I have my limits) and the answer came from a Prius.

This video from Dan Ariely is pretty interesting on why the Prius became the dominant hybrid car.

After watching that I realize that the Prius sold well because it reflected the values that people wanted to display about themselves. A lot of our purchases are reflections of driving this ego and telling the story we want to portray.

For me, some of my core values and ego I hang my hat on are being sensible, logical, and efficient. It probably isn’t enough just to be that way but I also want to express that through my decisions so others know this about me.

  • I don’t dress flashy… hello Kohl’s (sensible)
  • I bought my car when it was three years old to avoid the majority of the depreciation (logical)
  • I live in a double so my tenant’s rent pays for my mortgage (efficient)

These aren’t just decisions I make for myself, but to show people who I hold myself to be.

To me a tie is a non-sensible, illogical, and inefficient use of a clothing budget. But worse, it’s a shiny neck beacon that says I don’t value sensible, logical, and efficient choices.

After all, I could buy something that keeps my torso warm and isn’t trying to strangle me slowly for the same price.

It’s safe to say I’m a strange bird. I’m sure you are too.

I think Robin Williams character was right when he let Will Hunting in on a secret, “people call those imperfections, but ahh no that’s the good stuff. Then we get to choose who we let into our weird little worlds.”


How much does a silk tie weigh? – Yahoo Answers

Average tie cost? – Yahoo Answers

A little more about Eric Worral...

I try and separate the trivial from the important things in life. I believe the way we treat each other matters a great deal.