Don’t start a war with your neighbor

One time my fiancee and I went out of town for the weekend and when we came back there was a small piece of cardboard wedged into our front door. On it was a note written in thick (but not industrial thickness) black Sharpie marker. It said, “Close your drapes, people. Neighbors don’t want to […]

Do we need to be chasing something?

It’s better to be chasing something than to be hampered and held back. That’s what TJ Muraca says, anyway. You should know that TJ stands for Trouble Junior but he’s a dear friend so I think he’ll let that one slide. (You will, won’t you, TJ?) But, is it true? Is being held back truly […]

Why does the waitress have a waitress voice?

Our waitress approaches our booth. She introduces herself and seems to be on the tail end of a helium balloon binge. Her voice squeals with theatrics as she explains the specials. Somehow she has perfected the art of continuously smiling while talking. She walks away and we begin our dissection of the menu. A few […]

Is it better to be certain or curious?

The red pill or the blue pill? Those are your options. One puts everything back the way it was before you followed the rabbit into the wilderness. You “wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.” The other takes you deeper into the hole but you don’t get to preview what’s […]

How your secrets can set you free

What if you exposed every detail about yourself? The private knowledge you conceal and protect like an endangered obscure owl variety no one talks about anymore. Things you’ve done that you wish you hadn’t. The ones everyone agrees shouldn’t have been done and that’s why you make sure they don’t find out. The ones that […]

What about a month after the wedding?

Where were you the morning of Saturday February 15th? I was busy exhuming my inner child. I was like a kid that woke up early to watch Saturday morning cartoons. I awoke early and settled into a comfy plush couch. I tensely watched USA Hockey duel Russia in the Winter Olympics. USA beat Russia in […]

What shall you rescue?

You are here. Your life is rescued into the past. It can not be blotted out. You are here And that is forever. But what will we choose to rescue? What is precious enough to preserve even if no one ever gazes upon it again like a treasure buried behind the tree in the field […]

Are you trying too hard to be happy?

It’s coming. An afternoon so inviting you roll down your window and let it ride shotgun with you. It’s Friday. A song so sweet it makes you forget there are people in this world who still wear socks with sandals – if only for a second. You are happy. But this ju-ju doesn’t last forever. Your tank […]

Ancillary benefits

A secondary or supplemental benefit that accompanies a prime benefit. You just purchased your dream home. Your new neighbors turn into lifelong friends. An ancillary benefit is born. I was recently chatting with a friend about NASA and more specifically Neil deGrasse Tyson (an astrophysicist who is a big supporter of space exploration). In the 5 […]