Just let it go

Sometimes you can care too much about things that just don’t matter. Some examples: I play hockey in an over-30 league. It’s great exercise. It’s okay hockey. So the outcomes of these games are inconsequential. Yet somehow a player from the other team managed to get ejected from the game with under two minutes remaining […]

Adventures in pots and pans

Meredith and I have different opinions on how a kitchen should be organized. But I’m not delirious about who gets to decide this, it’s the person who cooks. Which isn’t me usually. Unless it’s late night or when Mama is working an evening. Even then, there’s usually instructions on what to make and how to […]

The freedom

To love and to explore. To fear and to hide. To inquire and to expand. To assume and to diminish. To unwind and to pause. To escalate and to accelerate. To appreciate and to give. To ignore and to spoil. To each of us belong all freedoms, to a point. To each of us all […]

Christmas trees and auditorium seating

There’s a home for every Christmas tree. That’s what I’ve come to realize. Even the ones you would never hoist home on your station wagon. There’s someone out there that thinks that tree is the perfect tree for their family Christmas. Just like that seat in the auditorium that you’d never sit in. Someone will […]

How we do things in this family

It was the album that we fell in love to. And 20 years later they were playing the entire thing. 3 cities only. So we decided we’d see them in NYC. Which is a great city to hang out in for less than 48 hours. Any more for me and I’m ready to hide from […]

Before us/after us

My family is the third to live in the house we call home. August will mark 6 years. In this short span we’ve experienced much. Most of this much is ordinary and to be expected. The same things those that lived here before likely did. Brush your teeth. Annoy your sister. Let the dog out. […]

I am/am not my work

I am not my work. My work is just something that originates with me and is delivered to you. So you can form your opinions on my work but I will not let your opinions of my work define me. Though it’s tempting. When you find fault in my work I wonder if the flaw […]

Picking a lane

When it comes to selecting the right line to stand in I’m the wrong guy. I always pick the slowest one. In traffic. In the grocery store. Even at the self check-out. I’ll manage to trigger some booby trap which requires the attendant to come over and slap buttons. International bridge crossings are no exception. […]

The blank page

Every time I write I approach a blank page. Sometimes I have an idea. But the page always starts blank. My job is to put an image on that page. Something for someone to see. But first I need to be able to see it. Otherwise how could I describe it to you. How could […]