The sun rises. The sun sets.

The sun rises. The sun sets. Both are beautiful but for different reasons. In the morning the sun is the wind at your back. In the evening it’s always just around the corner. A sunrise kind of just happens. But so does a sunset. And it all depends on where you’re standing. For both how […]

Quality time

When children don costumes, climb on a stage, and compete for your affection, you have yourself an elementary school talent show. Last Friday was my first. I never performed in one when I was a student. There was this play festival in high school. I played Greg Brady. It’s not the same though. Too old. […]

You’re no fun

My first job, other than the paper route, was as a stock boy at a national office supply store chain. I still have the name badge. And the box cutter. And a bunch of stories. Adeline drew one out of me tonight when she asked me how come I don’t do pranks on April Fools. […]


Would you rather be a king or a knight? Or a queen or a mermaid perhaps? Kings and queens do sit in castles. They’re not known for wanting much. They drink red wine and can afford a spill. Their shines are shinier and their laughter’s a fever. But mermaids and knights are otherwise engaged. They […]

The things we think are real

Sometimes I feel fear. But I am not paralyzed. Sometimes I feel anxiety. But I am not worried. Sometimes I feel threatened. But I am not in peril. Sometimes I feel perplexed. But I am not confused. Sometimes I feel encumbered. But I am not oppressed. Sometimes I feel resisted. But I am not thwarted. […]

When the woods was all there was

You remember it, don’t you? When the woods was all there was. Those woods went on forever. You couldn’t imagine their limit. So you set out to see them, the woods that never end. As they unraveled, they became familiar. Though at first it was all new. The pattern of the trees. The rocks and the rises. […]

The past is a perfect thing

The past is a perfect thing. Viktor Frankl thought so anyway. He talked about rescuing things into the past. “For as soon as we have used an opportunity and have actualized a potential meaning, we have done so once and for all. We have rescued it into the past…wherein nothing is irretrievably lost, but rather, […]

Even better choices

Most people just want to be left to do their thing. Which is what most people are doing, I think. Their thing. They aren’t thinking about how their thing effects your thing, usually. There are some nefarious instances but the average person isn’t out to get you. They are simply exercising their free will. Just […]

Some other way

The mainstream message reminds us what’s not right in the world. It points out our failures. It accentuates our lesser moments. (Perhaps you’ve seen The Bachelor?) It can even shape our thinking by turning our focus to all that we seem to lack, particularly as individuals. For example, there’s an entire industry around weight loss. Which […]